In the spirit of the upcoming dramas and Rathayatras (more about that in my post), I've included some shots my husband took for Bhaktimarga Swami at this years Durban Rathayatra of Age of Kali.

This is one of those "whole-lotta-things-crammed-into-one' posts.
The next few weeks are going to be crazy - but good crazy (I hope). I'll have to wait a while before my semester exam results are out, and start my new semester in two weeks or so.
I'm really looking forward to the Montreal and Toronto Rathayatra - my first :) And I'm even happier because we'll be doing a drama with Bhaktimarga Swami :) I've been doing dramas in South Africa at the Rathayatra for about 8 years now - sometimes I would yearn to not be involved; to be able to go the classes and other be one of the crowd. But when I got my opportunity this year (because of our wedding being two days before), well, it just wasn't the same. To be a part of Rathayatra rather than just at Rathayatra makes it a deeper experience for me. So, I'm really glad to be a part of the Toronto Rathayatra this year.
My husband and I met with Maharaj last week. It was great to see him after nearly two and a half months. Its always great to have Maharaj's association. He's so down-to-earth, real and good humored. I think if it wasn't for him, making me feel so welcome, and engaging me in service, I'd feel pretty lost here in Toronto. Anyhow, apart from arranging things for our week of intensive rehearsals after the Montreal Rathayatra, we spoke about so many different things - subsistence farming, the tastelessness of North American fruit, some politics and the need to go green. Incidentally, while waiting in the dentists office earlier that day I came across a great website It was created by Rachael McAdams (The Notebook) and some friends, and it's actually pretty cool.
Other than that, we're meeting with Maharaj on Friday night to start working on the 'The Gita' drama. The bus tour is doing Kunti and Karna, so theatrically, it promises to be a great Rathayatra. My husband played Karna in Mayapur and Toronto and I played teenage Kunti some years ago, so it'll be great to be able to enjoy it and appreciate it as an audience member this time around. 'Here comes the sun....'
My dance class on Saturday was pretty interesting. But note to self - try to avoid dance class on Nirjala Ekadasi. 'Nuff said. Still, dying of thirst aside, it was great. When I stepped into her studio, the first thing I saw was Jaganath, Baladeva and Lady Subadra on an altar. That, coupled with the fact that one of the first things she said to me was "You have to know the sentiment behind Odissi if you are going to dance - it is Bhakti, devotion for Krsna, Jaganath", inspired me throughout, kept me going when my thighs threatened to give up and my throat dried up.
The one thing I'm glad about is that she's going at a faster pace with me, because I have some dance experience. Although in my slightly out-of-shape condition, maybe that's NOT such a good thing :)
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