Radha Manohar, Montreal...The deities overwhelmed me with Their size and beauty. They simply take your breath away...you might recognise
Krsna from the front of the
Darshan book:)
Sri Nathji...the first deity I laid eyes on in the U.S...He's absolutely stunning

I haven't travelled to Hungary (yet), but this
Shyam is one of my favourite deities.
Radharani has the most beautiful long eyelashes...the creativity of the devotees in Hungary is amazing
Radha Radhanath, from back home, in Durban...being away from Them has made me realise how special They are to me
Radha Kunjabihari, in Detroit...
Krsna has the most enchanting tilt to His head...
And then there's
Govinda in New york...I don't have the space to put Them up on this post...but They too were so beautiful and opulent.
Right now I'm doing the most travelling I've ever done in my life...it's definitely an eye-opening experience...how amazing is it that in North America there are so many temples and so many deities being cared for with so much love and devotion? Its astonishing what
Srila Prabhupada has done!
Gorgeous pictures -- great devotional attitude -- a real pleasure and inspiration to look at and read your site.
Hare Krishna!
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga
hari bol !! nice pictures.. but where is our beloved Radha Kscirachora Gopinath !!
lol..thats my next post coz its been such a special experience!
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